David Hogsed, DOM, AP

David Hogsed, DOM, AP

David Hogsed, D.O.M., A.P., is in full time practice with his father, James Hogsed, D.C., at the Natural Healthcare Professionals clinic in Fort Myers, Florida. His practice specializes in providing effective nutritional support for endocrine, digestion, musculoskeletal, and immune system health.

David has taught post-graduate programs through Texas Chiropractic College, Logan Chiropractic College, the University of Miami-Miller School of Medicine, Palmer Chiropractic College, Life University, and Northwestern Chiropractic College. He has served as a clinical consultant and seminar speaker for Standard Process since 2003 and is currently a post-graduate faculty member of Texas Chiropractic College. These inspiring nutrition seminars focus on giving health care professionals the tools they need to successfully integrate nutrition into practice.