Jay R. Robbins, DC, DACBN, CCN

Jay R. Robbins, DC, DACBN, CCN

Dr. Jay Robbins is a Chiropractor and Certified Clinical Nutritionist.  He has been in practice in Southern California for over 25 years.  Dr. Robbins is a member of the American Chiropractic Association’s Council on Nutrition, and has received his Diplomate through the American Clinical Board of Nutrition.  He is a senior faculty advisor for the International Foundation for Nutrition and Health located in San Diego, California.  

Dr. Robbins is a popular speaker and lectures frequently throughout the United States to chiropractors and other natural health care practitioners.  He has presented workshops and lectures at several state and local conventions and nearly every chiropractic school in the country.

Dr. Robbins is married to his greatest health and nutritional ally – Pamela, and they are the parents of six generally great kids!