Optimizing Nutrition and Lifestyle with Reveal My DNA Testing

Dr. Robert Scott

September 21st
7:00 - 8:00pm EST

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Add to Calendar 09/21/2023 07:00:00 PM 09/21/2023 08:00:00 PM Optimizing Nutrition and Lifestyle with Reveal My DNA Testing





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How many times has a client asked, “What should I eat to lose weight or optimize my health?” or “What nutrients should I focus on in my diet”? Well, using DNA testing can help you assist individuals in making more informed dietary choices by identifying specific SNPs (genetic variations) related to weight-loss, food sensitivity, vitamin, and mineral requirements, and even alcohol and caffeine metabolism.  This webinar will focus on the key areas of the Reveal My DNA tests to help to customize a nutrition and lifestyle plan for your clients.

By answering such questions as:

  • If your patient is a farmer or hunter and their risk for developing Alzheimer’s 
  • What is their proper macronutrient balance
  • What are the key micronutrients and polyphenol needs of the patient
  • If your patients are properly methylating
  • The best exercise to optimize outcome 

You will be able to provide a more customized plan to support your client’s overall health goals. 



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Robert Scott Robert Scott, ND

Dr. Scott has served as a clinical consultant to health care practitioners since 2007. He offers educational seminars, teleconferences, and webinars throughout New England. He is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport with a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine and a Masters in both Human Nutrition and Acupuncture. Dr. Scott served as an assistant professor, lab coordinator, and pharmacy director for the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Scott maintains a private practice where he focuses on drug free hormone balancing for both women, thyroid and adrenal health, and detoxification.

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